11 good reasons why you should start your business NOW

Have you been thinking for a long time about getting out of your 9-to-5 job, realizing your own dream and finally implementing the grandiose business idea that has been floating around in your head for a long time? Great, you have our fullest support - but we also know that you can encounter a lot of resistance and doubts from those around you, especially at the beginning. The start-up phase is exactly the time when you, as a future founder, need a lot of support, encouragement and motivation.
At the beginning of self-employment (or shortly before) the euphoria is often just as big as the number of question marks in your head - is my business idea good enough? Who are my customers? Is my financial income sufficient to cover my living expenses? And where can I actually find answers and information about subsidies, insurance and marketing opportunities?
The last thing you can use in this phase is then the doubting and demotivating sayings of others. If you let yourself be carried away, you quickly forget the many, many wonderful advantages of self-employment and often also your own conviction and drive. So that this doesn't happen or you find a way out of one of these phases of doubt, we have put together 11 convincing reasons why self-employment is exactly the right thing for you - and why you should implement it NOW.
11 good reasons for being self-employed
#1 You are your own boss
As a self-employed person, you are finally your own boss - and the advantages of this are obvious: you can choose for yourself who and with what and on which project you want to work, you no longer have to be bossed around or do tasks, bei at the end of the day you question the general purpose (of the project and the world).
Find your own niche and follow your heart and your passions and only work with customers who are a perfect match for you and your product or service and with whom you feel completely comfortable.
#2 You can organize your time freely
If you run your own company, YOU alone decide when and how long you work - do you like to sleep in and only become really productive in the afternoon? Are you an absolute morning person or a real night owl and would you like to use the afternoon for hobbies, family and friends? It doesn't matter - as a self-employed person, nobody dictates you fixed working hours in which you have to be productive and creative artificially and against your nature at the push of a button.
Enjoy your work rhythm and arrange your day according to your preferences! By the way, another plus point: Medical appointments, parcel deliveries or visits to the plumber are suddenly no longer so stressful as a self-employed person with free time management.
#3 You can work anywhere
One of the most important reasons for many self-employed people to finally start their own business is the wonderful opportunity to work from anywhere in the world. Fortunately, we live in a completely digitized world, so that for many of us (depending on the industry and service, of course) a laptop and a working WLAN are perfectly sufficient to be able to do our work.
So if after a few weeks of working from home the ceiling falls on your head or the constant drizzling weather gets on your mind, you can simply pack your suitcase and head off for a weekend or a longer trip. Sounds lovely doesn't it?
#4 You can fulfill your own dreams and goals
With self-employment you can realize your very own dream project, put an idea into practice or turn your hobby into a job! So if you are still unsure whether you should really take on the "risk" of self-employment and flee from the supposed security of your permanent job, ask yourself what your absolute passion and what your goal in life is - what do you want in life more than anything reach others?
Whether you want to become location independent, make the world a better place with your product or service, or simply become financially independent, self-employment can help you achieve that goal.
#5 You increase your happiness
Sure - if you pursue your own dream and go your own way, you will automatically be happier - no more meaningless projects, no predetermined working hours, no meticulously set vacation and rest days.
Take care of what is important to you and what is close to your heart, then your inner contentment will soon come around the corner all by itself. Because as the saying goes: "Do what you love and you won't have to work another day in your life!" - Sure, the quote can be discussed, but the direction is still not entirely wrong.
#6 You are flexible
As your own boss, you can, as already described, arrange your working hours quite freely - but this not only brings you more relaxation and flexibility in your everyday work, but also in your free time.
Suddenly you no longer have to consider when your official end of work is to squeeze all your hobbies, sports courses and appointments at the back - as a self-employed person YOU decide! Take part in a morning yoga class, meet your mum for breakfast during the week or go shopping when the supermarket is almost empty - wonderful!
#7 Break boundaries and erase negative beliefs
As an independent entrepreneur, no boundaries are too far and no hurdles too high - you can (and should!) reach for the stars with your business and quickly banish the phrase "I can't do that anyway!" from your vocabulary.
Often there is only the limiting social thinking behind it anyway and the early inoculated "That's not possible!" or "But you can't do that!" Banish these false and negative beliefs from your life and think big - because everything you wish for is you can reach too!
#8 You can earn a higher income
Admittedly, the first few months of self-employment can be tough and you most likely won't see the biggest sales right away. But that's perfectly okay and completely normal - give yourself and your business time to grow, build reach and position yourself as an expert in your field.
But at some point you will notice: If you run your company with heart, joy and absolute passion, your customers will notice it too - who will then be happy to recommend you!
In addition, there are no limits to how you can generate sales (see point 7!) - you can look for other sources of income at any time and, for example, create an online course, do affiliate marketing or join forces with other founders and self-employed people to create a joint product to develop.
#9 Financial Independence
Well, it may take some time until you are completely financially independent, but it is definitely worth the work and the wait: You decide what and how much money you want to earn, because unlike a permanent job, self-employment often has it no upper limit.
The more successful you are, the more you will be able to earn - and the better and more honestly your hard work and dedication will be rewarded.
#10 You choose your colleagues yourself
Your company, your rules! You can choose whether you want to work completely alone (especially at the beginning this is usually the norm anyway) or if you want to hand over part of your daily work at some point and as your success increases.
The advantage: you can choose who you want to work with and only hire a new employee if you have a good gut feeling. You decide - and no longer have to be annoyed by the grumpy gossips in the office corridor every day!
#11 You are a role model for others
Okay, actually no reason of your own to start your own business, but definitely worth mentioning because it's simply beautiful: If you build up your business and realize your dream of your own company step by step, you almost automatically fulfill an important role model function for other prospective founders.
Infect those around you with your energy, your entrepreneurial spirit and your optimism and be a role model for other women! Because let's be honest: you're probably looking for help, advice and inspiration from other founders, mentors and coaches on your way to self-employment, right? You can do that too – by founding your own company and encouraging others with your story.
Many good reasons to start your own business
We have given you some good reasons why becoming self-employed is the right thing for you and why you should not let negative beliefs and doubters from your environment convince you otherwise. Especially at the beginning of self-employment, it is important to network with other female founders, never lose sight of your own why and, above all, to learn, especially from people who were already at the point where you are right now.